Most people have no idea about the uses of compressed air systems. However, there are many industries currently utilizing systems with compressed air pipes. Without having these compressed air systems in place, these companies would be far less efficient. Listed are a few of the most common industries using compressed air piping systems and how each of these industries utilizes these systems to improve their business.

Automotive Industry Air Pipe System

The automotive sector is one of the most common industries using a compressed air system. The primary use of an air pipe system in this industry is simply for filling tires. To fill tires, you will need a filter regulator lubricator to help regulate the air pressure. You will also need a shop hose to control the flow and air pressure. Lastly, you’ll be able to successfully fill tires using these two aluminum air pipe accessories, along with a quick connect plug.

Compressed Air Systems for Metalworking

In industrial metalworking environments, there are multiple pneumatic equipment pieces all requiring compressed air systems to function. Most metalworking industrial settings have an HVAC control system, pneumatic air guns, air compressors, air brakes, and many other pneumatic components. Most industrial metal environments will need a filter regulator to keep these air pipe systems functional. However, the most critical element needed in an industrial metal setting is a ball valve fitting. Ball valves allow you to keep your system running while you isolate a particular part of the section. So, you will be able to keep your system properly running while you do maintenance on a particular part of the compressed air pipe.

Compressed Air Piping for Wood Shops

Most people would not think of the wood shop industry as an industry that uses compressed air systems. However, compressed air systems are commonly used with many wood shop tools. These tools include staple and nail guns, sanders, routers, and drills. Many wood shop tools need compressed air systems to function properly. Each tool and each job may require a different amount of pressure. The compressed air system filter regulator is used to regulate this pressure and the shop hose is used to control airflow. Not only are these compressed air systems used with tools, but they can also be used to keep the shop clean. Due to the heavy amount of cutting and sanding, busy wood shops will have a ton of dust and wood chippings. When used correctly, a compressed air system can blow the dust off of bench tops and other work areas.

Compressed Air Pipe Products for Your Business

The three industries above are not the only industries to use compressed air systems. There are hundreds of other industries that use compressed air pipe systems daily. Contact Aluminum Air Pipe to see if your business could benefit from a compressed air pipe system For those who already use compressed air systems, check out our store to that features compressed air pipes, fittings, and other accessories to help improve the efficiency of your system.